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微播真传媒 2022年06月25日 00:36 32 admin


In today#39s highly competitive shopping centers, the implementation of multibrand strategy has become more and more enterprises an important means of competition in the market Looking internationally, we can see。

手工翻译 1 Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and execution1 好的营销绝非偶然,而是精心计划和执行的结果2 Marketing is both an art and a science there is constant tension。


The market marketing is the plan and the execution about the commodity, the service and the creativity idea, the fixed price, the promotion and retailing, creates conforms to individual and the organization goal。


Marketing is a subject applicable in a wide range of fields, especially in business sector By studying it, I will have deep understanding of the market changes so as to make best decisions to deal with。

您好14P 通常应该写作4P#39s这是市场混合Marketing中ProductService,Price,Place,Promotion产品或服务 价格 地点 推广及促销的总称2SWOT 分别是Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,Threat强势 弱点 机遇 威胁的总称。


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